If you didn't come from the /r/OpenBambu subreddit, be sure to check it out.
We want this to grow and flourish with tutorials, tips, how-tos, and general best practices for your Bambulabs 3D printer, especially the ideas that focus on offline, non-cloud, open source, generally pro-consumer knowledge.
We will leave comments enabled for all pages in an effort to make sure your voices are heard.
Until the ‘page approval function’ is rolled into wiki.js main branch code, the moderator pool from /r/OpenBambu will maintain and create entries here per the requests on reddit for adding articles, tutorials, etc. Adjustments to those articles can be suggested in the comments on their respective pages here.
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We just need $39 per year to keep the lights on. We have no idea how to collect this properly yet, so, don't worry about it and we'll get around to figuring that part out later.